400g strong white flour
1tsp sugar
350ml tepid ( not hot ) water
1tsp fast action dried yeast
A handful of stoned olives
8-10 ,cherry tomatoes halved
1tbs pesto mixed with a little olive oil
extra olive oil for drizzling
Grated Parmesan ( optional)
sea salt pepper
tip the flour sugar and salt into a bowl . Mix the yeast with the warm water and pour slowly into flour, bringing together with a spatula to form a loose dough. Cover bowl with clingfilm and allow to sit in warm draught free area til dough doubles in size ( 2 hrs)
heat oven to 230-240c. tip dough onto floured surface, using dough scraper fold into inself 2-3 times shape into a round and replace in bowl drizzle with a little olive oil, cover again and leave aprox 2 hrs til risen. tip on to floured surface and cut into 4 pieces . Gently shape/ stretch into loose sticks and lay on 1 large or 2 medium lined baking trays. brush with olive oil sprinkle with seasalt, press olives and tomato halves into sticks and drizzle with a little pesto (and a little Parmesan if you like ) , and after 15 mins bake off in oven 15-20 mins depending on thickness of sticks - eat with dips cheeses and charcuterie board