2 chickens 1.5-1.7kg each aprox
1 garlic bulb
1.5kg baby potatoes
10-12 cherry tomatoes
1 onion chopped
Juice of 1Lemon
Juice 1/2 orange
1 tbs butter
4tbs olive oil
1tbs oregano
1 tbs butter
Salt pepper
Lay the chickens skinside down in a roasting tray on top of the chopped onion and scatter the potatoes ( halved if they're too big) the tomatoes,sprinkle with oregano halve the garlic bulb and nestle it in between. Whisk the oil and the juice together pour over the tray, liberally season with salt and pepper and gently mix to make sure all is coated with the mix . Pour in just enough water to partially cover the potatoes then roast in a hot oven 190c for around half an hour til the chicken is coloured then take out. Turn the chicken around, breast side up, dot the chicken with butter, baste and roast til cooked through and tender according to weight . Remove from heat cover tightly with foil for 10-15 to rest. To serve chop the chicken and place in a warm dish with the tomatoes and potatoes, heat the pan with the liquid in, add a little more lemon, adjust seasoning if necessary and reduce the sauce slightly before pouring all over the warm chicken, sprinkle with chopped coriander and serve with a Greek salad sprinkled with feta